ラグビークラブチーム【城東ドンキーズ】東京 江戸川区 rugby tokyo

ラグビークラブチーム 【城東ドンキーズ】 東京 江戸川区 rugby tokyo
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Joto Donkeys Profile

History Organization Members Games, Practices and Activities


Joto Donkeys Rugby Football Club was established in 1972. At first, Mr. Hattori, who was one of the alumni of the Dokkyo University American Football Team and the founder of the Donkeys, wanted to make an American Football Club. However, as it was considered to be one of the most expensive sports and not so popular back in 70's, he gave up his dream and chose the rugby, instead, which on the contrary, was less expensive and was much more popular than that of American Football.

Since then, Joto Donkeys Rugby Football Club has been actively involved with local leagues and Club Tournaments.

Under the Tokyo Rugby Football Club Association, Joto Donkeys play in the 3rd division of the association.


Joto Donkeys Rugby Football Club is non-profit organization which is governed by its own club members. Team leaders are selected each year by the club members. Here are this year’s leaders.

Staff Field
Chairman Kobayashi Captain Fukumoto
Coordinator Nishimaki Forward Leader Nakajima
Vice Coordinator morii Backs Leader masuda
Vice Coordinator horie
Vice Coordinator machida
Vice Coordinator Anzai
Vice Coordinator Okuno
Vice Coordinator Suzuki
Vice Coordinator Goto
& Vice
Public Relations &


People from the various occupations, ages, and nationalities gather every Sunday and enjoy playing rugby. Currently roughly 40 members are actively participating the practices and games.

Most of the members have prior experiences of playing rugby before joining the Donkeys. However, this does not mean that members without any experience cannot join the team. In fact, there are some members without any prior experience and now playing the games with experienced. So, everybody gets a fair chance in the Donkeys.

The average age of the club members is over 30. Most of the forward players are over 20
and most of the backs players are in the 15s. The oldest is at the age of 58 and youngest is 21 as of Tun. 20, 2010.

As the globalization progresses in every sector of the community, Donkeys are not the exception. Since 2000, several foreigners have joined Donkeys. They enjoy the Donkeys rugby as well as the socialization on and off the field. And they became part of the team regardless of the language barrier.

For further details, please send the email to vice coordinator Suzuki. He will tell you more about our team. Here is the address.

Games, Practices and Activities

The main events are; Sunday League, Tokyo Club Tournament, Edogawa League, Edogawa Sevens and Kanto Club Team Games. We play approximately twenty games a year. (See below for more details.)

One of the biggest events is the Tokyo Club Team Tournament, which is held in the late spring and early summer every year. We currently belong to the 2nd division, but we can move up or down between the divisions depending on how well (bad) we perform in that tournament. It is critical for our team not only to remain in the same division but also to move up to the next level of competition.

So, we work very hard at each practice. Everyone strives for improving his personal skills as well as the team skills during the practices.

After the practices and games, we discuss the day's performance at the nearest restaurant. We especially enjoy this part of the activity! After all it is nothing like the cold beer after the hard work.

Everyone in our team loves playing rugby and being a member of the Donkeys.

* We practice at Koiwa and play games at Nishi-Kasai, Edogawa Field and other areas. And we practice or play games on every Sunday now until the middle of December.